

Strolch Transactions play a central role in a Strolch agent. A transaction is opened for a realm, and grants access to the model of the agent. Transactions are implemented as a Java try-with-resources by implementing the AutoCloseable interface. This makes it trivial to understand the scope of a transaction.

Transactions handle the following:

  • Opening and closing database connections
  • Releasing locks to strolch elements, if tx.lock(StrolchRootElement) or tx.lock(Locator) was called
  • Performing Commands by executing them in the added order, and validating them first.
  • Exception handling
  • Auditing
  • Updating observers

When a transaction is opened, it is by default read-only, i.e. does not perform any commands when it is closed. Should the TX perform commands, then it is important to call tx.commitOnClose(), but only at the end of the work, so that exception handling can properly work if something goes wrong.

StrolchTransaction offers a myriad of methods:

  • find element by its Locator
  • get methods for elements by type and id, or using a StringParameter or StringListParameter references
  • methods to add, update or remove elements
  • assert privilege access
  • get a new element by its template
  • check if an element exists by type and id
  • get streams for elements
  • add commands for execution

Transactions are opened by accessing the realm, but there are convenience methods depending on the use-case:

  • In Services: by calling one of the openTx()-methods
  • In Commands: Transactions are already open, use method tx() to get instance.
  • REST API: RestfulStrolchComponent.openTx()

Note: don’t open a new TX inside a TX for the same realm!

Important is to always open the transaction as a try-with-resource block and to define if the TX should commit, or not:

try (StrolchTransaction tx = openTx(...)) {

  // read lock our object
  Locator ferrariLoc = Resource.locatorFor("Car", "ferrari");

  // find a car by locator
  Resource ferrari = tx.findElement(ferrariLoc);

  // get a car by ID
  Resource opel = tx.getResourceBy("Car", "opel", true);

  // modify ball
  opel.setName("Opel Corsa");

  // get by string reference
  StringParameter ownerP = ferrari.getParameter("relations", "owner", true);
  Resource owner = tx.getResourceBy(ownerP, true);

  // get by string list reference
  StringListParameter previousOwnersP = opel.getParameter("relations", "previousOwners", true);
  List<Resource> previousOwners = tx.getResourcesBy(previousOwnersP, true);

  // check resource exists
  if (tx.hasResource("Car", "audi")) {
    Resource audi = tx.getResourceBy("Car", "audi", true);

    // assert has privilege to remove a car
    tx.assertHasPrivilege(Operation.REMOVE, audi);

    // remove the car

  // iterate all cars
  tx.streamResources("Car").forEach(car -> {"Car: " + car.getId());

  // commit if TX was changed
  if (tx.needsCommit())