The official Strolch blog with news, ideas, and thoughts on using Strolch.
Strolch is an open source component based software agent written in Java and can be compared, in a light sense, with the Java EE stack: Strolch takes care of persistence, implements Services for use cases, Commands as re-usable algorithms and has a parameterized data model.
A More Powerful, Secure, and Scalable Strolch
Now generating OpenAPI 3.1 specification of the REST API
This is the first official release of the 2.x branch
This is the first official release of the 2.x branch
Strolch PLC version 1.2.3 has been deployed to Maven Central
JDK 17 ready
Strolch PLC version 1.0.7 has been deployed to Maven Central for easier integration into your projects
The 100. release of the 1.6 branch and a brand new website!
Strolch can do reports!
Strolch queries are deprecated!
So many changes, and so long no update - not good!
Release Version 1.3.0 released and deployed to Maven Central
Opt-In versioning of objects
Release of Strolch 1.2.0
Long due update on Strolch development.
The ground work of the Strolch planning engine has been laid.
Any good software has some decent documentation explaining concepts, best practices and gives examples.
Finally Version 1.0.0 of Strolch has been released and can be downloaded immediately.
New DurationParameter and additional minor changes: Release of 1.0.0-RC4 which can be downloaded on the download page.
Important feature Database Initialization added: Release of 1.0.0-RC3 which can be downloaded on the download page.
Scratch that RC1, here is the brand new 1.0.0-RC2 which can be downloaded on the download page.
With the Go-Live of a Strolch-based application around the corner, it is time to release Version 1.0.0 of Strolch. To this affect we have now released version 1.0.0-RC1 which can be downloaded on the download page.